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Dental Experts in Northern Ireland & Ireland
Does your pet need a vet dentist? Your pet's teeth are crucial to their all-round well-being. Whether you have a dog, cat or rabbit it's important that you don't neglect their teeth and visit dental vets regularly as lots of problems can arise because of poor dental hygiene.
If the worst happens and you suspect that your pet requires expert dental treatment, get in touch with us immediately.
Rathgael Veterinary Clinic has been treating animals with dental problems for many years - our experience and success has made us one of the top pet dental surgeries in Northern Ireland and Ireland.
Jane Reilly is one of the top veterinary surgeons in the country. With invaluable experience working in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. She regularly performs dental procedures on pets and advises on good dental hygiene.
We specialise in treating:
We also perform ultrasonic scaling and teeth polishing to help combat teeth and gum problems that can develop.
The photo below shows a case of periodontal disease, plaque and calculus, before and after being treated with an ultrasonic scale and polish.
These pictures show base-narrow mandibular canines which have been corrected using an inclined plane.
These images are from a dog with severe brachygnathism. The mandibular canines were contacting the maxillary canines causing pain and enamel damage. This dog couldn't close his mouth fully. The procedure was a vital pulpotomy. This enabled the dog to close its mouth and eliminated the pain.
Enamel hypoplasia occurs due to a fever during the development of enamel. This often occurs in utero. The diseased enamel is removed and the tooth restored to protect the dentin.
Many dogs fracture teeth by catching stones or carrying around large objects. The fractured teeth often need to be extracted however root canal treatment can be done to save the tooth.
Discoloured teeth are dead or dying as a result of blunt trauma. These teeth can have root canal treatment or will require extraction.
Tooth resorption is most commonly seen in cats although it is also seen in dogs. The patients very rarely show pain but the lesions are extremely painful as the nerve is exposed. The only treatment is extraction. The teeth should always be x-rayed to assess whether the root needs extracted or the crown amputated.
Cats often fracture their canine teeth during fights with other cats. If possible we like to repair these with root canal treatment as this maintains the shape of the face and eliminates the possibility of soft tissue damage from the mandibular canine. Sometimes the tooth cannot be saved and it is extracted surgically.
Root canal treatment is performed to save the structure of a dead or damaged tooth. It is important to save the canine tooth to maintain the shape of the face and to preserve the animals ability to defend itself.
Severe periodontal disease often makes the patient unwell, showing signs of other systemic infections. This is preventable by having rutine biannual dental checks. Most of these teeth were extracted.
This dog has a rostrally displaced mandibular canine tooth. This tooth is unable to erupt fully and is causing pain by pushing on the upper incisor. The position of this tooth is corrected by a power-chain brace applied to the displaced canine with the carnassial tooth as an anchor.
All oral tumours need to be investigated, they make up 7% of all tumours in dogs and cats. Some of these are benign and some are malignant. The mouth is x-rayed to check the extent of the tumour and if it has spread into the bone structures around the tooth. Once the tumour has been removed it is sent for analysis to classify the tumour and to see if any further treatment is required.
Georgia and Stuart show how to brush your dogs and cats teeth