
Useful links to our favourite websites

Worming advice in Dogs - At Rathgael Vet Clinic we advise that you treat your pets for worms monthly. Click here for more info. 

Tick and Flea treatment in Dogs - We recommend regular use of spot-on or tablet treatments. Click here for more info. 

Flea, tick and worm treatment in cats - Cats should be treated regularly, ideally with a product that gives 12 months preventative treatment for fleas, ticks, gastro-intestinal nematodes and heartworm. 

Flystrike prevention in Rabbits - we recommend the use of Flystrike treatment at 8-10 week intervals under conditions of repeated Blowfly challenge. See the Rabbit Welfare website or click here for more info.

Kennel Cough Vaccine - Find out more about what this upper respiratory tract infection is and how it can be transmitted here.

Information on drugs prescribed for your pet

If you have any queries about any aspect of the medication or treatment for your pet, it is best in the first instance to chat over your concerns with the vet practice team.

It is important that you understand why particular drugs are dispensed, and be aware of any possible side-effects. To that end, we endeavour to inform you when dispensing, often with provision of a written data sheet. On some occasions however your pet’s medication may have been dispensed without a paper copy of a related data sheet. To access the drug information simply click this NOAH Compendium link which will take you to the site which has all the veterinary licenced products listed: then search for the Trade Name of the drug you want information about.

If the product prescribed does not have a veterinary data sheet, then the drug information may be found in one of two ways:

  • You can search the emc database for the actual drug name itself, e.g. paracetamol, not a Trade Name like “Panadol”.
  • You can call us and request a BSAVA Client Leaflet on the medicine (please note not all medicines have a BSAVA information leaflet, although most of teh commonly used ones do).

We hope this means no-one need struggle to find any information about any product we have advised using to treat your pet. Please remember: we are here to help so do talk to us rather than worrying.
